Riverdale 101 is an alphabetical, reference guide for families of Riverdale School District. It is an overview of the Riverdale School District, its governing bodies and supporting organizations and defines Riverdale’s long-standing traditions, programs, and events. The intent of the information is to provide insight as well as the overall picture of the value Riverdale provides. Hopefully, this handbook will enable you to match your abilities and interests with Riverdale’s unique needs and inspire you to become more involved. Riverdale 101 is produced by me as a Riverdale parent, with special acknowledgements for Shelby Quintos, Diane Moran, Carissa Barrett and Nikki Brenneke for their contributions.

* The booklet is formatted to be printed two-sided, trimmed (1.25″ from the top edge), folded and stapled. If you want a printed copy mailed to you, please send me an email with your address. All new families get one copy as a gift from me.